Monday, August 10, 2009

The Victoria Music Festival Society presents the RCMP Musical Ride

August 9, I attended the Victoria Music Festival Society  presentation of the RCMP Musical Ride. Prior to the musical ride we were entertained by a couple of Polo matches,  the Victoria Skydivers, the Air Cadet Kittyhawk Band, followed by the Victoria Region Police Pipe Band, culminating in a spectacular performance by the RCMP.

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It started out to be a very dreary and wet morning which ended just prior to the performances in magnificent sunny weather.

The cost for the event was reasonable with the exception of the $5.00 per car parking. The egress was deplorable. I had a client that I had to meet at the airport after the event. It seemed like I would have had enough time to leave the parking lot only to be held for over 40 minutes before leaving the parking area.

The whole day was spoiled by sitting in my vehicle waiting to get out. Badly mismanaged, only two young people directing traffic at the parking area with no-one directing traffic onto Wallace Road.


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